About Us

Alice Naomi Hemingway is a 26-year-old tradesperson who enjoys binge-watching boxed sets, podcasting and upcycling. She is friendly and giving, but can also be very cowardly and a bit standoffish.

She is an Argentinian Buddhist. She didn’t finish school. She is obsessed with selfies.

Physically, Alice is in good shape. She is average-height with fair skin, brown hair and brown eyes.

She grew up in a working class neighbourhood. She was raised by her mother, her father having left when she was young.

She is currently single. Her most recent romance was with an artist called Reece Alan Quinn, who was the same age as her. They broke up because Reece felt Alice was too much of a doormat.

Alice’s best friend is a tradesperson called Elysia Murray. They have a very firey friendship. She also hangs around with Jason Ramos and Heidi Lynch. They enjoy spreading fake news on Facebook together.

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